Collaboration with Andrew Ringler

můjemoji is the Czech Republic iteration of myemoji, a public dialogue and conversation projected large, on a building facade. můjemoji took place on September 6-7, 2019 as a featured exhibit of Valmez Festival of Lights + Music in Valašské Meziříčí, Czech Republic.
A question is posed in emoji, perhaps `❤?` (what do you love?). Anyone may open their phone and visit to participate in the unfolding public conversation. Every few minutes a new question is posed, changing the course of the dialogue.
The entire set of emojis is custom designed by Alyssa and Andrew Ringler. Through our emoji design we are able to loosely influence the course of conversations, while leaving a tremendous depth of creative options for participants. Inspired by personal and current events we will pose questions (using emoji) on topics such as technology, communication, human rights, immigration, disinformation, gender, and more. Yet, through our use of emoji and absence of polarizing words, topics that are traditionally difficult to converse about respectfully and meaningfully, become increasingly accessible, through the ambiguity and abstraction of emoji. Our emoji gives people an expressive voice for conversation, yet are designed to be visually appropriate to an audience of all ages projected in public view.
This project was funded by the U.S. Embassy in the Czech Republic.